The software is associated with the MicrOBS seismometer (see SERCEL compagny web site for more information) The software is developed mainly for Linux. But we also offer "from time to time" Windows and Android versions. MCC_Modulator is proposed as a user contribution that it is your responsibility to verify, control, and validate. The developers are absolutely not responsible for any malfunctions.
To install the software go to the UMR Geo-Ocean website: You will find a binary file that allows the installation. During the installation a directory will be created in your environment, the necessary elements will then be copied.
v3.0.3 : Add MicrOBS NT (v4) codes v3.0.2 : Beugs corrections for the parameters files
Pascal Pelleau (IFREMER Geo-OCEAN) Pierre Guyavarch (IFREMER Geo-OCEAN) Jules MORIN (Student) Paul BODIN (Student)
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